Profile Traveller: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Aus Faces Dokumentation
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(Create and edit Travellers)
(Create and edit Travellers)
Zeile 332: Zeile 332:
User Name, company, gender, first Name, surname, email address, birth date
User Name, company, gender, first Name, surname, email address, birth date
<auth type="agency">birth date is not mandatory for a supporter</auth>
<auth type="agency"> birth date is not mandatory for a supporter</auth>
== Reisende suchen ==
== Reisende suchen ==

Version vom 16. März 2015, 14:28 Uhr


On this side traveler profiles are managed.


Profil Reisende verwalten

User Interface

System-wide functions

Section 'Login'

In the 'Login' section, the login details for Umbrella Tenzing Faces are managed.

Field Description
User name Any user name can be chosen, but must be unique within a travel agency.
Password The password must contain at least 8 characters and contain at least one letter and one number.

If the traveler has no password, a password will be proposed.

Send access Here, the access to the traveler or to the associated travel arranger can be sent.

Section 'Publishing'

Field Description
Amadeus CSX, Profile number The result of the last transmission to CSX appears, together with the record locator of the profile.

Internet Explorer only: if the Tenzing Faces site is listed as "Trusted Site" the Profile can be opened directly in the Amadeus Selling Platform by clicking on the CSX record locator

AeTM, User name The result of the last transmission to CSX appears, together with the AeTM Login name.
AeTM Role
Module: AeTM

For each AeTM community which is defined on the associated Company, the role of the traveler can be defined here. The traveler must have a Home Community mandatory.

A new traveler must first be saved before the communities can be edited. The reason for this is, that firstly the connection must be made to the company.

Section 'General'

Field Description
Company The company, to which the traveller is associated
Gender 'Mr' or 'Mrs'
Title As titles are currently available:
  • DR
  • PROF
First name The first name of the traveler as in the passport. This is a required field.
Middle name Here you can specify an optional middle name, according to the passport
Surname The last name of the traveler as in the passport. This is a required field
Date of birth The date of birth of the traveler. This is a required field for the traveler.
  • company
  • agency
  • admin
  • For supporters, this field is 'no' required field.

    Citizenship Here the citizenship is registered by chosing the country of origin
    Language Here the language of the user interface can be selected
    Phone business Register the business phone number of the traveller
    Phone private Register the private phone number of the traveller
    Mobile Register the mobile phone of the traveller
    E-Mail Register the E-Mail address of the traveller
    Itinerary / e-ticket If this checkbox is disabled, a '* PAX' is entered in the CSX profile before the e-mail address to devalue the address (eg PAX*NAME@FIRMA.COM)
    Out of Office until The absence of the traveler (relevance for approvers)
  • company
  • agency
  • admin
  • If this box is checked, the travelers profile is a traveler. Can only be assigned by the supporter or company administrator / profile manager.

    Arranger / Assistance
  • company
  • agency
  • admin
  • If this box is checked, the travelers profile is an arranger. Can only be assigned by the supporter or company administrator / profile manager.

  • company
  • agency
  • admin
  • If this box is checked, the travelers profile is an approver. Can only be assigned by the supporter or company administrator / profile manager.

    Profile manager

    If this box is checked, the travelers profile is a profile manager. Can only be assigned by the supporter.

    Personal creditcard If a "Personal Credit Card" is allowed on the Company, the traveler may deposit its private credit card here.
    Creditcard no. Credit Card of the traveller
    Expiration The expiration date of the credit card
    Form of payment Selection of "-" none, personal credit card or invoice

    Declaration profile types "arranger, approver, profile manager"

    Various functions and privileges can be assigned by activating the checkmark of arranger, approver and profile manager.

    Profile Type Function/Rights
    Arranger can be selected as arranger in the section Administration

    With his access, the Arranger is allowed to manage the associated travellers. He can not delete profiles.

    Module: AeTMAdditionally the role of "travel arranger" and "main travel arranger" will be listed
    Approver can be selected as approver in the section Administration

    With his access, the Approver is allowed to manage the associated travellers. He can not delete profiles.

    Module: AeTMAdditionally the role of "travel approver" and "substitute approver" will be listed.
    Profile manager has the same functions and rights as Administrator.
    Module: AeTMThe Profile type Profile Manager replaces the role of the Profile mangager in AeTM.

    One or more types can be assigned to a Profile. Whereas the rule for a profile manager applies, that it must be assigned to at least one other type.

    Section 'Preferences'

    Field Description
    Seat request Choose between window and aisle seat (the seating preference is taken into account when booking, but it is not guaranteed and subject to change).
    Meal request Enter food preferences of travelers (eg: Gluten Intolerance)
    Smoker Check, if the traveler is a smoker
    Web-card Enter your credit card here, if in the company or traveler profile a web-card is available (web-booking).
    Airline Company program
    Airline Enter your airline / alliance frequent flyer program here
    Number Register the loyalty program number of the traveler of the airline / alliance here
    PIN Register the PIN number of your loyalty program here.
    Hotel Travel policy
    Hotel guarantee Select the credit card to guarantee the hotel if available in the company or traveler profile.
    Hotel chain Enter the Hotel chain here.
    Number Register the hotel loyalty program number of the traveller here.
    Guarantee Depending on the settings on the Company a credit Card can be selected here or there is a default card stored in the background.
    Rental Car policy
    Rental car company Select the Rental car company here.
    Number Register the car loyalty program number of the traveler here.
    Customer request Enter specific customer requests manually.

    Section 'Travel documents'

    Field Description
    Passport data
    Nationality Enter the nationality of the traveller here.
    Passport number Enter the passport number here.
    Date of issue Enter the date of issue of the passport.
    Place of issue Enter the place of issue of the passport.
    Expiration date Enter the date of expiration of the passport.
    Visa Information
    Country Register the country for which the visa is valid.
    Number Enter the visa number here
    Date of issue Enter the date of issue here.
    Expiration date Enter the date of expiration here.
    Identification cards
    Country Enter the nationality here.
    Number Register the number of the identification Card.

    Section 'Administration'

    The following fields shall apply to the arranger as well as approver and emergency contact

    Field Description
    First name First name of the arranger/approver/emergency contact
    Surname Surname of the arranger/approver/emergency contact
    E-Mail E-Mail address of the arranger/approver/emergency contact
    Phone Phone number of the arranger/approver/emergency contact
    Itinerary / e-ticket If this checkbox is disabled, a '* PAX' is entered in the CSX profile before the e-mail address to devalue the address (eg PAX*NAME@COMPANY.COM)

    Section 'Comment'

    Any text can be inserted in the 'Comment' field.

    Module: CSX

    Comments are published as profiles Notes to the CSX.

    Section 'Log'

    The log is a history of recent changes. Date, time, user and the status "saved profiles" is displayed

    AeTM Integration

    If Tenzing Faces is configured as "profiles exit point" in AeTM, the profile of the traveler will appear in Tenzing Faces

    AeTM Profil Tab

    • The Tenzing Faces Login-Data will be hidden
    • The publishing-status will only be shown for AeTM

    Workflows / Processes

    Create and edit Travellers

    Reisende anlegen

  • company
  • agency
  • admin
  • Create a new traveller by clicking on "Manage travelers" and then click the plus icon on the right hand side. This opens a new travellers mask.

    Following fields are mandatory in order to create a profile: User Name, company, gender, first Name, surname, email address, birth date

    birth date is not mandatory for a supporter

    Reisende suchen

    Bei der Suche nach Reisenden können als Suchbegriff verwendet werden:

    • Vorname
    • Nachname
    • CSX Profilenummer
    • AeTM Benutzername
    • Firmenname

    Zugang schicken

    Über die Funktion "Zugang schicken" werden die Zugangsdaten an den Reisenden via E-Mail verschickt. Diese Funktion erzeugt immer ein neues, temporäres Passwort. Beim ersten Anmelden muss der Reisende ein neues Passwort setzen und die Datenschutzrichtlinien akzeptieren.

    Technische/Funktionale Details


    Faces CSX AeTM
    Firma PCN
    Communities Community Codes
    Rolle Role
    Geschlecht NM (MR / MRS) Geschlecht, Anrede <Gender>
    Titel NM Anrede <Titel of Passenger>
    Vorname NM Vorname <Givenname>
    Mittelname NM Mittelname <Middlename>
    Nachname NM Nachname <Surename>
    Geburtsdatum PBD Geburtsdatum
    Staatsbürgerschaft PCZ
    Sprache <primary Language ID>
    Tel. Geschäft AP -B Kontakt / Telefon geschäftlich
    Tel. Private AP -H
    Tel. Mobile wahlweise AP -M oder APM
    E-Mail Je nach "Versandart E-Mail" auf der Firma:
    • Amadeus Mail:
      • Falls "Reiseplan" aktiviert: APE-
      • Falls "Reiseplan" deaktiviert: APE-PAX*
    • Amadeus Fax Email Plus
      • Falls "Reiseplan" aktiviert: RM*EMAIL
      • Falls "Reiseplan" deaktiviert: RM*PAX*EMAIL
    E-Mail 1
    Persönliche Zahlungsart FP Kreditkarte (Index einstellbar)
    Sitzplatzwunsch ST/A oder ST/W Bevorzugter Sitzplatz <Seating Pref.>
    Essenswunsch SR* Bevorzugte Mahlzeiten <Air SSR_Pref>
    Raucher PSH/Y, PSH/N
    Airline Firmenprogramm
    Fluglinie + Nummer FFN Vielflieger <Loyality Pref>
    PIN RX
    Hotel Reiserichtlinien
    Hotelgarantie PHI/G
    Hotelkette PHI/CO Bonusprogramm-Teilnehmer
    Nummer PHI/ID Bonusprogramm-Teilnehmer cont'd
    Kundenwunsch PHI/SI
    Mietwagen Reiserichtlinien
    Mietwagen Anbieter PCI/CO Bonusprogramm-Teilnehmer
    Nummer PCI/ID Teilnahme am Stammkunden-Bonusprogramm
    Kundenwunsch PCI/SI
    Passdaten Auswahl zwischen 'PAS' und/oder SR DOCS
    Nationalität PAS/CO Nationalität
    Passnummer PAS/NR Passnummer
    Ausgestellt am PAS/IS
    Gültig bis PAS/EX Gültig bis
    Visa Information
    Land PIV/CO
    Nummer PIV/NR
    Ausgestellt am PIV/IS
    Gültig bis PIV/EX
    Land PID/CO
    Nummer PID/NR
    Arranger / Besteller Je nach "Versandart E-Mail" auf der Firma:
    • Amadeus Mail:
      • Falls "Reiseplan" aktiviert: AP ,/-ARR
      • Falls "Reiseplan" deaktiviert: AP ARR*
    • Amadeus Fax Email Plus
      • Falls "Reiseplan" aktiviert: RM*EMAIL: ,/-ARR
      • Falls "Reiseplan" deaktiviert: RM*ARR*EMAIL:
    Zuordnung des Bestellers (Reisebuchungsassistent/Hauptreisebuchungsassisten)
    Approver / Genehmiger Je nach "Versandart E-Mail" auf der Firma:
    • Amadeus Mail:
      • Falls "Reiseplan" aktiviert: AP ,/-AUT
      • Falls "Reiseplan" deaktiviert: AP AUT*
    • Amadeus Fax Email Plus
      • Falls "Reiseplan" aktiviert: RM*EMAIL: ,/-AUT
      • Falls "Reiseplan" deaktiviert: RM*AUT*EMAIL:
    Zuordnung des Genehmigers (Reisegenehmiger/Ersatzgenehmiger)
    Emergency Je nach "Versandart E-Mail" auf der Firma:
    • Amadeus Mail:
      • Falls "Reiseplan" aktiviert: AP ,/-ECT
      • Falls "Reiseplan" deaktiviert: AP ECT*
    • Amadeus Fax Email Plus
      • Falls "Reiseplan" aktiviert: RM*EMAIL: ,/-ECT
      • Falls "Reiseplan" deaktiviert: RM*ECT*EMAIL:
    Notfallname und Telefon <sos phonenumber>
    Kommentare PN

    Profil Aktionen

    Amadeus CSX


    Filter Notfallkontakte for "Amadeus Fax und Email plus"

    //remarkSection[miscellaneousRemark/miscellaneousRemarkInformation/type = 'RM' and contains(miscellaneousRemark/miscellaneousRemarkInformation/longFreeText, ',/ECT')]
    //remarkSection[miscellaneousRemark/miscellaneousRemarkInformation/type = 'RM' and contains(miscellaneousRemark/miscellaneousRemarkInformation/longFreeText, '*ECT*')]

    Filter Notfallkontakte for "Amadeus Email"

    //pnrElements[pnrElementInformation/pnrElementIdentification/informationType = 'P02' and contains(pnrElementInformation/longFreeTextData, ',/-ECT')]
    //pnrElements[pnrElementInformation/pnrElementIdentification/informationType = 'P02' and contains(pnrElementInformation/longFreeTextData, 'ECT*')]

    Filter Notfallkontakt "Name"

    //pnrElements[pnrElementInformation/pnrElementIdentification/textSubjectQualifier = '3' and contains(pnrElementInformation/longFreeTextData, ',/-ECT')]

    Filter Besteller "Name"

    //pnrElements[pnrElementInformation/pnrElementIdentification/textSubjectQualifier = '3' and pnrElementInformation/pnrElementIdentification/informationType != 'P02' and contains(pnrElementInformation/longFreeTextData, ',/-ARR')]

    Filter Genehmiger "Name"

    //pnrElements[pnrElementInformation/pnrElementIdentification/textSubjectQualifier = '3' and pnrElementInformation/pnrElementIdentification/informationType != 'P02' and contains(pnrElementInformation/longFreeTextData, ',/-AUT')]

    Filter Telefon privat

    //pnrElements[pnrElementInformation/pnrElementIdentification/textSubjectQualifier = '3' and pnrElementInformation/pnrElementIdentification/informationType = '4']

    Filter Telefon mobil

    //pnrElements[pnrElementInformation/pnrElementIdentification/textSubjectQualifier = '3' and pnrElementInformation/pnrElementIdentification/informationType = 'P25']

    Filter Sitzplatz


    Filter Telefon geschäftlich

    //pnrElements[pnrElementInformation/pnrElementIdentification/textSubjectQualifier = '3' and pnrElementInformation/pnrElementIdentification/informationType = '3']

    Filter Essenwunsch (SR*Mealcode)

    //seatAndServiceRequests[substring(seatAndServiceRequestInformation/serviceRequestType/ssrCode, string-length(seatAndServiceRequestInformation/serviceRequestType/ssrCode) - string-length('ML') +1) = 'ML']



    Persönliche Kreditkarte (Amadeus CSX)


    Persönliche Kreditkarte (Galileo WS)


    Zahlungsform (Amadeus CSX)


    Zahlungsform (Galileo WS)



    Module: AeTM

    Reisende werden - sofern aktiviert - ins AeTM übertragen (via ProfileLink)