
Aus Faces Dokumentation
Version vom 18. März 2015, 12:10 Uhr von Mirjam (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Workflow / Processes)
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In this tab agency- and company administrators are created or modified. The company administrator assigned to a parent company, is allowed to create/modify all travellers from different companies which are associated to the parent company.

The company administrator can modify the following fields in the company profile:

  • Street
  • Street 2
  • ZIP
  • Place
  • Country
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • Email, Email2, Email3
  • E-Mail invoice delivery
  • Generic fields "my agency"


Administratoren verwalten

User Interface

Section 'Login'

Field Description
Username The username must be unique in the agency.
Name First- and surename of the administrator.
Password The password must contain at least 8 characters and must contain letters and numbers.

When creating a new administrator, a password will be suggested automatically.

E-Mail E-Mail address of the administrator.
Phone Phone number of the administrator.
Active Check box to activate or deactivate the administrator.

Section 'Settings'

Field Description
Company Allocate the Company, for which the administrator is allowed to create or modify travellers.

Attention: if this field is blank, the administrator has automatically access to all travellers/companies in your agency (that means ‘blank’ = agency administrator).


Allocate the Administrator to a relevant travel agency. For system-administrators the agency 'Umbrella' is set by default

Language Select the language of the user Interface.

Workflows / Processes


Technical /functional details
