Profile Company
In this tab company profiles will be created and modified.
User Interface
Section 'General'
Field | Description |
Parent company | Administrative assignment of a company, which is the main company. |
Customer No. | AIAN of the company (also synchronized as PIN). |
Company | Enter the full name of the company. |
Short name | Must be unique in the GDS (PCN)! |
Street | Register the street of the company. |
Street 2 | Add additional street address. |
ZIP | Register the ZIP code of the company. |
Place | Enter the place of the company. |
Country | Chose the country. |
phone | Enter the main phone number. |
Fax | Enter the main fax number. |
E-Mail, E-Mail 2, E-Mail 3 | Enter the main E-Mail addresses of the company. |
UUID | Add the database number, which is relevant for CSV Uploads (column: company.uuid) |
Subsidiaries | Register the parent company or companies, which are associated to the parent Company. |
Form of Payment | Register the main credit Card. This credit Card is written as FoP (F. or FP) in the GDS's. |
Creditcard No. | Register the Credit card number. |
Expiration | Add the expiration date of the credit card (Format DD/YY) |
Use as web-card | Here you can specify how the traveller is allowed to use the company card (hotel guarantee or web card).
Web-Card | In this field a second company credit card can be stored. This is useful when the primary card is an AirPlus or BTA card, which will not be accepted as a web card or for hotel guarantee. |
Personal cards | Here you can specify how the traveler may use a personal credit card.
Section 'Interface setup'
Field | Description |
Personal CC on | Configuration in which AeTM Field (possible values CC1, CC2 or CC3) the personal credit card will be transmitted. |
Travel Department OID | Register the Amadeus Office ID to which the profile will be synchronized. If the field is empty, the profile will be synchronized to the main office ID. |
Travel Department Org-ID | Register the Amadeus Organisation ID (allocated to the OID). |
Reporting Office |
The Amadeus Office ID will be transmitted as "shadow destination". |
AeTM Site-Name | The ending of the URL is used. |
Site Code | Entry of the AeTM main community (L1) |
Agency Location | Entry of the 3-letter-Code where the agency/company is located. (Galileo Phonefiled Element) |
Cytric org | Search of the respective Cytric Location and Divison for the profile. |
Travel Groups, Group ID, Description |
Company related AeTM communities or Cytric Travel Policy Group indluding free text description |
Section 'Preferences'
Field | Description |
Airline Company program | |
Airline | Choose the Company Airline loyalty programs by using the drop down menu. |
Published as | CSX prefix command (OSI or SK) |
Guarantee Hotel/Rental car | Guarantee for hotel and car rental with a credit card (company or web card). |
Hotel Travel guidelines | |
Hotel chain | Choose the Hotel chain by using the drop down menu. |
Rate code | Definition of the rate code (e.g. RAC, COR). One rate code per chain is permitted |
Customer Request | Enter a free text. |
Car Travel guidelines | |
Company | Drop down menu with relevant car rental companies. |
Corporate Discount Nummer | Customers Corporate Discount Nummer |
Customer Request | Free text requests |
Preferred Rental | Preferred Rental are registered as PPC in Amadeus CSX. |
Section 'Your Team'
Field | Description |
Agency | Travel Agency to which the company is allocated. |
Confidential |
free text |
Email delivery |
E-Mail invoice delivery | E-Mailaddress which is used for invoice delivery. This field can be used in Custom publish action, source 'emailInvoiceDelivery'. |
Section 'Comment'
Comments are free text formats.
Comments will be transmitted as profile notes in Amadeus CSX.
Section 'Log'
The log is a history of all saved modifications. The log shows date, time, user and status "saved profile".
Workflow / Processes
Company create / modify
Company profiles can be created, edited and deleted. Create a new Company in the tab "Companies" by clicking on "Manage companies" and a second click to the green "plus icon". This will create a new empty input mask for a company profile. The deletion of a company profile also deletes all associated travellers. After saving a company profile (new or modifications) the profile data is transmitted to the relevant systems. A status message is shown in the Section Publishing.
Company profiles are not transmitted into AeTM or Cytric
Company setup
In the company setup Custom publish field can be created for a specific company.
CSV Download / Upload
All traveller profiles from a specific company can be downloaded and uploaded via a CSV-File (comma-separated values).
Every single data fields in the CSV will be transmitted into the Tenzing Faces Profile. Please take into account::
- Mandatory fields have to be completed in the CSV
- Dates like birthday must have the Format (e.g. 23.06.1962)
- The modifications of numbers (credit card numbers, frequent Flyer numbers) in Microsoft Excel in a CSV-file have some specifications! In Microsoft Excel a number, with more than 15 counts, is automatically displayed exponentially.(KB214233). Numbers like 12345678901234567 will be converted in 1.23457E+16. To prevent this situation, numbers should be captured including spaces, e.g. '1234 5678 9012 34567'.
If the upload leads into an error the relevant messages are shown. A printable version of the error message is available in "errorfile".
Update of existing profiles
If an existing profile will be updated, the "uuid" and/or "record locator" must be present in the CSV. The record locator refers to the Amadeus CSX Profil-Recordlocator.
If an AeTM profile is created from an existing Faces Profile, the CSV-files must contains the following columns:
Column | Discription | Value |
sortedTravelGroups0.groupId | Travel groups / Main travel group | Community-Code, is always the Home-Community for the traveller |
sortedTravelGroups1.groupId,sortedTravelGroups2.groupId, etc. | Travel groups / Further travel group | further Communities, it can be done any numbers of communities (numbering: sortedTravelGroups"X") |
sortedTravelGroups0.role ,sortedTravelGroups1.role ,sortedTravelGroups2.role, etc. | Travel groups / Role | AeTM Roles:
| | Target system | Insert the value "AETM" for a transmission into AeTM |
sortedPublishStates1.recordlocator | Target system identification number/name | AeTM Login Name |
To synchronize the existing AeTM profile with an existing Tenzing Faces Profil, the AeTM Login name must be entered. In case of empty "sortedPublishStates1.recordlocator" a new AeTM profile is created. |
Technical/Functional Details
Faces | CSX | AeTM | |
Customer No. | AI AN, PIN | n/a | No. |
Company | AP | n/a | Name |
Short name | PCN | n/a | Name |
Street | AB/AD1 | n/a | Street / No. |
Street 2 | n/a | n/a | |
ZIP | AB/ZP | n/a | ZIP |
Place | AB/CI | n/a | City |
Country | AB/CO | n/a | Country |
Phone | AP -B | n/a | Telephone 1 |
Fax | AP -F | n/a | Fax |
E-Mail, E-Mail 2, E-Mail 3 | APE or RM*EMAIL | n/a | |
Form of Payment |
Module: Railif module Rail is active
n/a | Credit Card (Main or Logde) |
Web Card | n/a | n/a | Credit Card (without Main or Lodge) |
Airline Company program | n/a | n/a | |
Airline | SK oder OS | n/a | n/a |
Guarantee Hotel/Car rental | PHI/G und PCI/G | n/a | n/a |
Hotel Travelguidelines | n/a | n/a | |
Hotel chain | PHI/CO | n/a | n/a |
Rate-Code | PHI/SR | n/a | n/a |
Customer Request | PHI/SI | n/a | n/a |
Car Travelguidelines | n/a | n/a | |
Company | PCI/CO | n/a | n/a |
Corporate Discount Number | PCI/CD | n/a | n/a |
Customer Request | PCI/SI | n/a | n/a |
Prefered Rental | PPC | n/a | n/a |
Confidential | RX | n/a | n/a |
E-Mail delivery | n/a | n/a | |
E-Mail invoice delivery | n/a | n/a | |
Reporting Office | FK and ES | n/a | n/a |
Comment | PN | n/a | n/a |
Profile actions
Company name, phone, fax
Customer No.
Email, Email2, Email3
email, email2, email3
Web-Card (Credit card vendor, number, expiration)
Hotel chain
Hotel rate code
Car rental company
Car rental Coperate Discount Number
Car rental customer reqeust
Guarantee Hotel/Car rental
Generic fields, e.g. in Section "Preferences"
Travel Groups -Group ID
Parent company
Airline Company program (Airline)
Airline Company program (Infotext)
Form of payment - Amadeus CSX
Form of payment - Galileo GWS
Filter Company name
//pnrElements[pnrElementInformation/pnrElementIdentification/textSubjectQualifier = '3' and pnrElementInformation/pnrElementIdentification/informationType = '5'][1]
Filter phone business
//pnrElements[pnrElementInformation/pnrElementIdentification/textSubjectQualifier = '3' and pnrElementInformation/pnrElementIdentification/informationType = '3']
Filter Fax
//pnrElements[pnrElementInformation/pnrElementIdentification/textSubjectQualifier = '3' and pnrElementInformation/pnrElementIdentification/informationType = 'P01']
Filter customer no. / AIAN
Company address
Filter PIN
Filter Car Travelpolicy
Filter Hotel Travelpolicy
Amadeus CSX
Change of Travel department OID
If a new travel department OID is registered (or modified) on an existing company, then:
- The company in the old OID is deactivated (also all associated travellers are deactivated)
- A new company in the registered OID is created
- In Faces all CSX record locator of all travellers will be deleted. Within the next 60 minutes all travellers affected are created in the new OID
Company profiles will not be synchronized into AeTM.
Company profiles will not be synchronized into Cytric